Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Post #1

Hello! This is just going to be a little introduction to myself and my blog! I have never written a blog before so this is all new to me, so bear with me. Much of this blog will consist of what its like to be starting my freshman year on college. It's a pretty huge event and it's extremely exciting!! But first a little bit about my self.. my name is Catherine.  I am 18 years old from Massachusetts.  I am going to Bentley University in Walthman, Ma and part of the class of 2016.  If you don't know very much about Bentley I will give you a brief background..its 10 miles from Boston, private university, has been ranked as one of the top 20 business university's by BusinessWeek, and heavily focuses on a business curriculum.

But most importantly it will by my home for the next 4 years starting in only 35 days!! Saying i am excited is an understatement! I have had a count down to move in day since about 90 days back! I check the facebook page at least once a day and check my new Bentley email the same amount! I also make lists, lots and lots or list.  But i have always done that when i am bored or stressed.  But this lists they all look the same, what i need to buy: toiletries, school supplies, dorm, misc. I also like to reorganize everything i have bought so far at least once week. and the pile is growing at a steady rate and I'm running out of space for large plastic storage bins. I think i am going crazy i am so excited!

That is all for now i will write again soon, documenting my journey through freshman year!

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